mAuthor Blog

Recent Updates Summary

Written by Learnetic Team | Apr 18, 2024 9:33:26 AM

Hi! We have updated the platform and the player with multiple new functionalities, here is the full list:

  1. It is now possible to set different dimensions for addons such as Video, Image Viewer, Animation, and Slideshow in different layouts. The position of the labels will automatically adjust to the new size. This adjustment is proportional to their original position based on their new "base dimensions" properties.
  2. The Text Coloring addon has a new feature: you can define intruders - phrases that are selectable, but the correct response is not to select them.
  3. There is a new feature in the FlashCards addon: by selecting the Randomize option, each time the page is opened, the addon will arrange the cards in a random order.
  4. A new option of course copying has been added to Manage Courses view.

We have also fixed some bugs:

  1. Coloring as correct and wrong works correctly now for elements of the Sourcelist that are created using the markup language.
  2. The FlashCards addon now correctly supports the ShowAllCards and ShowOnlyFavourites commands.
  3. The scaling problem has been fixed now in the single lesson export.